Monday, August 10, 2009

Reasons Why #3 - The View from Kings Bay

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this could be a rather lengthy column. There are few images that are engrained into my brain that I retreat too more than the view of the Kings Bay. I’ve carried it with me all these years I’ve been away and frequently pulled it out of its mental file.
Now that I’m home, I find myself now always taking Kings Bay Drive as opposed to Highway 19 just so I can drive over the bridge at 15 mph get a glimpse of the beautiful view (the bridge by the way that I have never jumped off of or witnessed any of my friends jumping off of – wink, wink). The view from the Port is another place I find myself often, sitting, gazing, and reveling in that view. One of my personal favorites is the view from Cracker’s Bar and Grille.
The reason for this is that usually from Crackers you will find a sailboat or two peacefully floating in the bay. I’ve always dreamt what it would be like to live on a sailboat. And there’s the little island. The one with the lone little house. I’ve dreamt about living in that house too. Living there would hinder my late night Taco Bell addiction; however can you imagine waking up surrounded by the Bay in all her glory every day?
Growing up many a day were spent on the Bay (and if jet skis were involved, many a pair of sunglasses were lost in the Bay). Whether it was a holiday or just a random Saturday, any day out on the Bay was a good day. She was the fifth friend when a group of four of us were out on the water. She was a good friend, who was always there and taken for granted. It wasn’t until moving on you realized how important she was.
But like any good friend, even after years of not being together – she’s still there for me. She offers serenity, natural beauty, and comfort. She’s the most important member of this community that which everything is built upon. Can you even imagine, even fathom a thought of what our community would be like without her? She’s a reason why we are here and a reason why I love this place.

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