Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reasons Why - Sassa, sassa, land that I love

By Meredith Linley

It only seems fitting to start my Verbal Praise Tour 2009 where it all began, in Homosassa. My family moved to Citrus County about 20 years ago when my father took the manager position at the Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park. Growing up with a zoo right in my backyard was an experience like no other. Besides me who else have you ever met that had a pet hippo?
The transformation of the wildlife park that has happened over the course of the past 20 years has brought great recognition from all over the world. To think that tourists from other continents travel to Citrus County just to visit the manatees down at the “attraction”, as it is still referred to by many native Citrus Countians, is fantastic. I remember when Lu, the hippo received his pardon from Governor Chiles, I mean it’s not everyday that happens. Over the years I have seen the park evolve into a beautiful facility for locals and tourists alike. The many people who played a role in this transformation deserve recognition for preserving its natural beauty for generations.
But this is only the beginning of the reasons why I love Homosassa. Old Homosassa truly is a unique place. They are proud to be a “Florida Waterfront Community”. There are awesome restaurants, adorable shops, and of course friendly locals on every corner. Old Homosassa is also home to a great group of local artists. Some of these artists have storefronts in Old Homosassa, but you can also be guaranteed to find their handiworks at any given festival in Citrus County.
Homosassa is also home to some of the best people, and trust me I’m not the least bit bias. Residents of Homosassa get that sparkle in their eye when they are talking about their beloved. They find new projects to start and goals to achieve. Be it a new sign or stating their own advocacy group – people in Homosassa always have something new up their sleeve.
I’ve heard it said many a time that Homosassa is a quaint little fishing village. And I guess to some it is, but as hopping as I have the place get when tourists are in town, locals are out and businesses are thriving – quaint isn’t exactly the word that comes to mind. I see it more as “Homosassa where water meets the road and comes ALIVE!” Regardless, it’s an amazing community I will always hold near and dear to my heart and is definitely on the list of reasons why.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved that place too! It was even better when you helped me feed the animals.

Jennifer M. Williams (Brogan)