Monday, October 19, 2009

Reasons Why #9 - A Community of Caring

A few Saturdays back the Chamber of Commerce participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowling for Kids Sake event. It was one of those times when you make a comment out loud, the right person hears you and before you know it you have landed yourself in the middle of a project. This time however we were quite happy to oblige as BBBS is a wonderful cause here in Citrus County.
Getting involved in the community was one of the many reasons I took my job at the Chamber so it was my pleasure to rally the troops and form a bowling team. A team, I may add that I assembled but completely dodged the bullet for having to play on – every team needs a “morale captain” – right? Looking back I could have been more aggressive about collecting pledges, but regardless our little team showed up that day high in spirits ready for a fun afternoon, it’s all for the kids anyway.
However it wasn’t the spirit, aptitude, or scores of our Chamber Champs team that struck me that afternoon. It was the overall scene. When I walked in Manatee Lanes was abuzz with people and excitement.
Throughout the course of the day over 50 teams turned out in support of this event. Around 400 people took time out on a Saturday to support a great community program, a Saturday that was smack in the middle of scallop season. Now that’s dedication.
But it’s more than that; you and I both know it. To us it’s not anything out of the ordinary because that’s how Citrus County works.
Several days after this event I was sitting at a women’s networking event talking with many local business ladies. Sharon Malm of New Concepts Hair Salon, said something that really struck me, she said “I’ve never seen people care like the people here in Citrus County do.” It’s true and she couldn’t have been more right.
One any given day at least half a dozen organizations have write ups in the Chronicle for a wide array of charitable causes. From making cards to send to overseas military personnel, to collecting cell phones for women in abusive relationships – people are caring all over Citrus County.
It’s often hard to put into specific concise words to outsiders this concept of community that we have here in Citrus County. But I guess I could boil it down to this – We Care. Sure we have our issues, all communities will – but we care about each other and are willing to step up to the plate as community members to help each other out.
It’s a worthy cause I will serve all day and it’s just another reason why I love our community.

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