Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I always knew I was a loser...

It's hard to post on this topic without knocking on wood. See here's the deal, my child for the most part is an awesome sleeper. And she is NOT an early riser. Seriously the child easily sleeps til 8:30 - 9:45am each morning. I've never been woken up by her before the sun had awoke - like ever. I am eternally grateful for this. Swear.
This being said, I will say that bedtimes haven't ever been particularly easy. She's definitely not one to have a book read to her and drift off into dreamland. She always wants to be apart of whatever activity I'm doing at nighttime. Also Ive always had to be the parent to put her to bed since her daddy has always worked nights since she was born. And I'm somewhat of a pushover. I hate confrontation so I'm guilty of letting her stay up later than most 3 year olds and even worse (gasp!) I let her sleep in my bed. I've finally decided that a) since she's about to start preschool in a few short months and b) she has a perfectly nice bed in her own room five feet from my room and c)she's almost 4 - it's about time for her to start sleeping in her own room. In theory this sounds great. Granted we are only on about night 4 or 5 (and my mom is coming tomorrow and will be taking Kendall's bed so Kendall will be back in bed with me for the long weekend), but things aren't exactly smooth sailing.
I'm trying to establish routine. Read a few books, put in a short movie, sing a few songs, snuggle for a minute, hugs and kisses and I'm outta there. While all that is fine and well, it doesn't prevent her from getting out of her bed about 80 times before I finally threaten extensive bodily harm (just threaten, not follow through - cut me some slack).
The following is our last conversation before she finally fell asleep (about 90 minutes from when she was initially put in bed).
"Kendall, GO get in BED!!!" I said.
She prances/stumps/huffs and puffs over to me on the couch, puts one hand on her hip, cocks her head and replies "No, Mommy you aren't getting a chance to win this game tonight!"

Kendall, 12,466 - Mommy, 0. Yep, I'm officially a loser.


Tamara Ann said...

We too have one that sleeps WITH US and doesn't go to sleep until around 10:30 or 11:00 (even though we put her in HER bed at 8:30 every night!).
If you eventually DO win, PLEASE let me in on the secret!!

Beth said...

Hi this is Tamara's SIL Beth...We go through the same thing with Charlotte every single night, except she won't get out of bed. She just sits in there and screams her little head off for about 15 minutes and then it stops. I'm not sure how to keep her in bed, but don't feel alone this is all part of having independant strong little girls. Good luch and as Tamara said if you figure it out let me know. :D