Sunday, March 15, 2009

Free advice for my fellow mothers...

After a wonderful day; Kendall spent most the afternoon outside playing with the neighborhood children and then we saw the shuttle lift off into the sky - it was time for a tubbie. She was one dirty girl. I was in the bathroom with her for a good portion of the time. Then briefly I stepped into the kitchen to find something to make for dinner. Kendall hollered from the bathroom "Mommy, your phone is ringing." I went it to grab my blackberry and there she sits looking ever so mischievious in the bathtub. "Where's my phone Kendall?" I asked. And then horror of all horrors, I saw it - in her hands under her bottom - in the BATHTUB. Of course my first thought was she could get shocked from the electronic device in the tub, once I realized that hadn't happened I lurched to get the phone. I'm 99% sure its a goner and will have to go to Sprint in the morning to get a replacement (thank god for insurance).

However, Kendall didn't realize that she had done anything wrong. We often let her take unusual items in the tub to play with (blocks, barbies, cups, cooking utensils, etc.). Never in her 3 plus years had I ever told her that electronics can't go in the bathtub. So here is my advice, if you have small children - make sure they know that they CANNOT take phones, cameras, laptops, video games, etc into the tubbie. Not only is it dangerous, it's an expensive pain in the rear to get them replaced/fixed.

****Editor's Note - So the morning after I come out to the kitchen where my taken apart phone was resting on the counter all night - and lo and behold - he hath performed a miracle and it works! I don't know how long it's going to last and I'm definitely getting a replacement, but thank you sweet baby Jesus!

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