Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kids say the darndest things....

I've decided to try and post some of the crazy, humorous, and profound things Kendall says. Hopefully I'll be able to update as I remember more and as she continues to spread her wisdom to the world.

  • Recently she came into our room where I was folding laundry and announced "Mommy, when we go on vacation, we have to turn everything off. Know why, cause we need to save power!".

  • John told her to be careful while she was clipping her nails, she replied "I do careful all the time Daddy!".

I should preface these next few with the fact that we have completely turned her in a HUGE Seminole fan.

  • I asked her to call my parents because they were sad and needed to be cheered up, she says "Why is Gramzie sad? Maybe she saw some Alligators today, not like real ones but like yucky gators, you know. That would make me sad."

  • Coming home one day Radio Disney played a 30 second PSA congratulating the Gators on their National Championship title this year. At the end, the announcer says something to the effect of "Radio Disney joins the Gator Nation and says GO Gators!". Kendall says incredulously "Did he just say GO Gators?!? Gross!"
**Update 1/28
She came and snuggle up next to me after I had gotten out of the shower. "Mmm, Mommy, you smell good. Did you remember to put some of that arm-PINT stuff under your arms?"

**Update 2/4

Kendall uses (what we think at least) big words for a 3 year old. Words such as absolutely, specifically, interesting, actually, amazingly, especially, difference, etc.

Last night she asked for chocolate milk before bed, I said no. Her reply - "how about we have a compromise and I can have juice?" Do all 3 year olds start wheeling and dealing already?!

**Update 2/5

Today our little walking PSA said "Mommy, when you do something dangerous, you have to wear a helmet."

1 comment:

Tamara Ann said...

What have you done to that poor child? It'll be ok Kendall, maybe one day someone will show you what a good school looks like and you'll realize Gators are your friends!