Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm trying...

Well it's now been 4 days since the election and I'm still not ok. I am absolutely bewildered at the American people and completely irate with the media and Hollywood. Let me assure you that this isn't a Democrat thing - it's all about which Democrat was elected. Hard to imagine me saying this, but I'd have been fine with Hilary.
But it's about HIM. I think he's scary and I truly am scared for our country. I did alot of research on HIM, his associations, his past, and his plans. Needless to say I was less than thrilled. It's extremely upsetting to me to have a First Lady who has only spent 6 months of her life proud of her country.
Regardless, I'm still crushed. I've been looking for the silver lining and having to put trust that God has a plan. I've never had to deal with such a loss like this - there were so many people fired up for McCain and Palin. I just don't know what happened or what went wrong.
I'm confident I'll never like him, but I don't have to. Lord knows how many people have been so outspoken over their dislike of President Bush (whom I still love.) I'm trying to get over this but it's been really hard for me. I know how many people spent sleepless nights working hard to get McCain elected.
I'm just trying to learn to respect him by January 20th, but I still have 2 months of tears to shed before then.

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